Tuesday, July 1, 2008


When I arrived I still hadn't been able to contact my cousin so I decided to take the train to her house anyway.

She has guests over from Korea right now so I'm not able to stay with her. I've been sleeping at a hostel in downtown for the last 2 nights.

Walking around the city for a couple of days has reminded me of London. Basically if you thought of London and then imagined what it would look like if it was a harbor city with about 5x less pollution and 10x less bridges you'd get Sydney. Funny fact is that I thought London was a harbor city until about age 16 when I looked at a map.

The buildings here are fabulous, each in their own way. Before I came here I was expecting a trashy port city that basically provides a safe haven from the desert.

I haven't had much on the agenda much like when I first arrived into NZ, so I've been walking around town taking pictures of the opera house and the harbor bridge, which look pretty in the evening.

Yesterday I met Sarah, a girl I met in NZ, rather haphazardly during lunchtime in my hostel, and so we walked around together during the day to see the opera house again. Then we had a few drinks together to celebrate her new life in Sydney. In the last 3 days she has come to Sydney, found an apt on Bondi Beach, and found a job as an event planner. How crazy is that? She's planning to stay here for a couple of years. She had this all planned when she left London.

The computer terminals have been sucking at my hostel so I haven't had a chance to upload any pictures.

I'm on the ferry headed to the Taronga Zoo right now. Hopefully I will get some good pictures with koalas and kangaroos. They won't be cuter than me but maybe they'll be some good competition.


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