Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hong Kong overall

My friend Jesse said it best, it's basically a massive Chinatown.

I did expect many english speakers but I didn't expect that I could get around without speaking a single word of Cantonese.

It's unbanized city with natural beauty entrenched because it is based on a peninsula and a number of main islands. Hong Kong itself is literally an island. It has a couple peaks, trams, an amusement park, and multiple tourist and vacation districts on its island.

For being within Asia, it is a pleasant place for anyone to go that speaks English but has an opening to everything Chinese.

The selection of food and shopping is quite amazing. Prices are about matching those ok Korea so it's not exactly cheap. The food is a little less than in the states though. It's easy to find little restaurants that sell good food quite cheap because they sacrifice look (of the restaurant) to keep the price down.

From what I ate there and noticed from the restaurants, they like the meat in their food. I found it tough in normal restaurants to find food that was mostly vegetables, except for bok choi.

The subway is very nice. The ferries were good. Most everything except cleanliness of alleyways and smog seemed to be up to Western standards.

Smog was terrible though, almost every day I was there.

The nightlife seemed good. I wasn't able to do much because I lack the proper clothing so I couldn't get a good read on that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, could you roughly put down the prices of the food? thanks

October 28, 2008 at 1:15 AM  

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