Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gluttony is a gift

I have been stuffing my face with kimchee since I entered Korea. It's been great.

One thing I love about Korean food is that there's a ton of variety. There's:
1. a hundred types of side dishes
2. a hundred main dishes
3. food that you eat when you're drinking
4. food that you eat when you want a quick bite
5. food that you eat depending on what season it is
6. food that you eat depending on how much money you have
7. food that you eat when you want to impress somebody

I've been overeating too often that I think I've been gaining weight back. I don't know if that's necessarily true for sure but my stomach is starting to pop out a little and I think that's because of the late night drinking and eating anjoo as well.

I've been roaming around cousin's houses for the last 8 days or so and everytime I go somewhere my aunts are trying to force feed as much food as possible into my throat. It's hard for me to resist and it's tough because I feel guilty when I say no because all they want is for me to eat. Because of cultural history, they think that if I eat more I'll be happier and more thankful, when actually this is not true (for me). But they don't understand or really comprehend when I tell them this. They think I'm just trying to be nice and appreciative.

I've also been able to walk a lot less in the last 2 weeks, although I've been doing as much subway riding as possible. I've used the subway at least 10 times now, and if you know me, you know I love public transportation. When I say public transportation, I don't mean LA, I mean "effective" public transportation like Seoul, NYC, and Boston.


Blogger vovo said...

as you wrote this post, did you laugh & think to yourself, "man, victoria is going to be annoyed with this post about weight & food."

::mumbles fatass::...


September 9, 2008 at 7:56 PM  
Blogger Jimmy said...

of course I did!

September 9, 2008 at 10:13 PM  

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