Monday, September 1, 2008

Oh my precious...

One of the joys of being in Japan and/or Korea is that most American phones don't work here, so I will be blackberry-less for about 7 weeks starting now. I'm currently sitting in the JAL lounge at Narita and will be getting on a plane to Seoul in about an hour.

I am going to have to do some research to see if there's a way I can place my sim card into a Korean phone to see if I can get data that way. I don't know what will happen, we'll see. I am already missing Google Maps mobile. I like to look on the map once in a while to see where I'm at in the world.

By the way, these Japanese keyboards are really different that the ones we use in the states. I never knew it was going to be this way before I got here. There's a tiny spacebar and a bunch of buttons around the spacebar to change from different languages and other crazy stuff that I can't even read. I took a picture of it but can't upload it right now anyway because these computers are protected and I have no access to the hardware to use the USB ports.

So for now, my bb has now be demoted to MP3 player.


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