Sunday, February 15, 2009

I knew I carried this thing around for a reason

Ronald and I were shopping at the market this morning looking for food to cook, when a couple of old ladies tapped on my arm and asked me what it was that she was holding, in English. She had an avocado in her hand, so I said "avocado."

She looked at me as if I was from another planet. I quickly figured out by watching what they were doing that they were trying to figure out what the name of the avocado was in Spanish so that they could check the price with the tags that were on the fruit shelf.

I chuckled to myself and said, "ohhhh........ hold on a minute I will check my book." I pulled out my latin spanish phrasebook from my coat pocket and looked it up. Avocado is Palta in Spanish. I found the right sticker for them and told them it was 13.5 Argentinian pesos per kilogram for the avocado. They thanked me for the help.

I was happy I was able to help them out, even if I had to use my book to do it. :)


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