Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Travel alert for India

I got my travel alert for India this week, 2 days after the Mumbai incident. Here's an excerpt of the 2nd one I got in case you ever wondered what a travel alert reads like:

"November 29, 2008
The Department of State warns U.S. citizens about heightened security concerns in India, and advises U.S. citizens traveling to or already in India to maintain a high level of vigilance and to take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness. This replaces the Travel Alert issued on November 28 and expires on December 31, 2008.

There are heightened security concerns in India following the November 26 terrorist attacks on hotels, a Jewish community center, a railway station, restaurant, hospital, and other locations in Mumbai frequented by westerners. Over 195 persons are believed to have been killed and hundreds more injured.

While terrorist attacks are not new to India, the November 26 Mumbai terrorist attacks in part targeted American citizens and other westerners for the first time and tragically demonstrate that even in five-star luxury hotels, security is not equipped to deter such attacks. U.S. citizens should take into account this new reality and exercise caution when visiting India. Prudent security measures include maintaining a high level of vigilance, avoiding crowds and demonstrations and keeping a low profile by not calling attention to one's nationality.

The Department of State advises Americans planning to travel to Mumbai in the aftermath of the November 26 terrorist attacks to recognize that it may be some time before all public infrastructure and services return to normal. Emotions are running high and there are possibilities of demonstrations which could turn violent.

Americans throughout India should be vigilant about security at all times. The Embassy and Consulates are actively assessing the countrywide security environment. Americans are advised to monitor local news reports, vary their routes and times in carrying out daily activities, and consider the level of security present when visiting public places, including religious sites, or hotels, restaurants, entertainment and recreation venues. If unattended packages are spotted, American citizens should immediately exit the area and report the packages to authorities."


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