Pink birds!
Guess what I saw in Lago Argentino? FLAMINGOS!

Ronald joined me for a walk around the lake 2 days ago just to see what's around the town of El Calafate while the weather was good out. It was quite a sunny afternoon with a drop falling here and there once in a while.
They were far away from us inside the protected bird habitat so I couldn't get any good pictures, but Ronald has a spiffy 18x zoom camera so I think he got some. I will produce the pictures for you when he puts them up somewhere for me.
There were a couple of other birds there that were neat and closer to me though. Here's one:
how many were there? did you get a picture of the habitat with the big pink birds? (the one you posted in your blog has several trucks digging in the protected area?) i can't believe it's really down south but so easy to get (by foot). that was some serious accidental sightseeing. you lucky bastard!
the picture of the trucks happens to be an area outside the actual habitat. I took it a little earlier than when we got there.
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