Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cantonese sounds so different

After being in the rest of China for a while and coming back to Hong Kong, I can hear a major difference between mandarin and cantonese.

Cantonese sounds like the stereotypical bouncy dropping a coin down a well joke that ignorant people (like me) used to use when we were kids to make fun of the asian tongue.

Mandarin is believe it or not, much smoother sounding (and more french-like) with more held tones vs. the choppy Cantonese.

I'm going to get laughed at by Hway for saying it reminds me of French but oh well, I said it. :)


Blogger tacoflavoredkisses said...

After all the kung fu movies I've seen, I think Cantonese flows better.

Maybe it was the actor's delivery though, but it seemed that Mandarin was just more... ugh.

Then again, from what I understand, Cantonese is more the commoner's tongue whereas Mandarin is more for the 'educated' and 'noble'. But I may have been misinformed.

December 4, 2008 at 6:37 AM  

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