Saturday, December 13, 2008

I guess I'm worried about money

I had a bad dream last night that I woke up to in the morning. In my dream I was on the computer looking at my bank account online and the screen showed that I only had $10,000 left and I felt like I had to end my trip early. I was trying to figure out where all my money had gone. I thought about where I had spent it all and whether I'd been hacked. Then I was wondering if that *was* the correct amount and I was just hallucinating.

The other thing I remember was thinking how it was so weird that I had literally $10,000.00 left and not a cent more or less, as if it was somehow set up by somebody or I had planned it. Then I woke up and realized it was a dream. That's when it all made sense to me.

After thinking about it for a while, I thought it was weird that I went through my normal concious thought process that I would have gone through had the dream been real.


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