Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm going the way of the Pharaoh

I just boarded a train at the Giza station in Cairo. I'm headed for Luxor tonight. It's an overnight sleeper so I'm in a nice compartment. It's like one of those ones you see in movies with 2 people and a bed for each person. It's pretty nice in here actually, so far at least.

My bunkmate happens to be a Chinese guy that is studying in Germany. I haven't asked him yet but he's probably on vacation right now and decided to check out Egypt. He's got some friends from China on the train in another room so he's over there talking to them.

This train ride is going to be 12 to 14 hours long overnight so I'm glad I got the sleeper compartment.

When I get to Luxor I will be getting on a 3 night cruise to Aswan which is upriver a bit, to the southern end of Egypt. From there I will take a train back to Luxor. When I get to Luxor the 2nd time I am going to hitch a ride over the Luxor pyramids on a hot air balloon. That should be totally rad. Did you get that? A hot air balloon!

Then after spending a night in Luxor I will get on a bus to Dahab, which is a backpacker resort type area in Sinai. I'll be spending a couple of days in Dahab before heading back to Cairo and then out to Barcelona!

I plan to find out about diving the red sea while I'm in Dahab.

I booked all this stuff through my hostel in Cairo. The guys (mustafa and mohamed) that run the hostel were really cool. Tonight, one of them drove me to the train station, and since we were a little early, he invited me to some sheesha, which is a flavored tobacco water pipe and a drink, and then showed me all the way to my train compartment before he left.

I was seriously surprised by how much he helped me out tonight. I must have overpaid a lot :):) no just kidding. He's just one of those guys that seems really nice and genuine.

I'm a little loopy right now from the tobacco because I don't smoke. It was an interesting experience for 30 cents. My tobacco tasted like apple.


Blogger ben said...

Tobacco, that's what he told you? I think it's something else. I still need to see you on a camel Jim.

December 16, 2008 at 10:54 AM  
Blogger Jimmy said...

they´re in my gallery but i´ll post one on here for you.

February 11, 2009 at 6:09 AM  

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