Woah there
Yesterday I went back to Gyeoungju to visit the royal tombs that are buried there. Gyeoungju is the old capital of the Shilla Dynasty and so there's a lot of kingly artifacts there. I was amazed by the sight of these massive hills that were manmade to signify the importance of the deceased.

I was walking through Gyeoungju while looking at my map trying to find the park when I suddenly turned the corner around the building and saw this:
If you blow up the picture you can see how big it really is. Those are not small trees. Look at the man sitting on the left side.
Then I looked behind that one and found this one, which is even bigger and reportedly the biggest tomb in Korea.
A little more south I came upon an area where there are a lot of them together and took this picture of the mounds.
Most of them have some kind of tombstone on them but not with any kind of names because the originals have been destroyed. Here's an example:
There was also one that was opened up so that you could go inside and see what the inside looks like as well.
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